Finn Cavanagh

Web Developer | Brand Consultant

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About Me

I'm a London based web developer.

Having spent years working with developers in Marketing & Branding I decided it was time to take the plunge and create things myself. I studied at General Assembly where I learnt the key concepts of programming and built Full-Stack applications.

In a previous life I've been Head of Marketing & Brand, specialising in Digital and the property industry.

I'm currently looking forward to working in the vibrant world of tech and am on the hunt for exciting Junior Development positions.


Front-End Dev

  • Javascript
  • Angular
  • Jekyll
  • Bootstrap
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Marketing & Brand Consultant

  • Brand & Business Strategy
  • Copywriting & Assets Production
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Google Analytics & SEO
  • Back-End Dev

  • Node.js/Express
  • MongoDb
  • AJAX / Insomnia & Postman
  • Ruby / Rails / Sinatra
  • PostgreSQL
  • Portfolio

    WDI Project One
    Chute Four
    WDI Project Two
    WDI Project Three
    WDI Project Four
    WDI Hackathon
    Drawing At Christmas
    Marketing & Brand

    Let's Get In Touch!

    Ready to start your next project or just have an idea you need to bounce around? I'm easily bribed with coffee and/or cheese.